Page 18 - IB E-brochure
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... Authorized Distributor
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International Bearings
Group of Campnniu
M \,1ebeaM T5 In -
Passion to create Value through Difference Minebea Co., Ltd.
Minebea was founded in i951 as Japan's first rnariuiacturer to speciaiise in minia-
ture ball bearings. Our company has grown to be the worlds ieading manufacturer
of miniature and smaII—sized baii bearings, and has a giabal market share In excess Ac. _ ,.,. ..__ - __ ,
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Since our estabiisnment haif a century ago, Minebea nas cuitivateo uttraprecision . Efik _ E /
macnining ona mass proauctian tecnnoiogies. rnese tecnnaiogies taciiiiote tne ‘kg;
production of air bearing-s parts in-nouse, giving us tne unparaiiei advantage in terms '2’ K 7
of quaiity. suppfv capabilities, iead time and manufacturing cost. '. ‘fii <-—vV' -, ’ ‘ .
rtraiiand BPI factory
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) I © PM-Type stepping Motors Hybmfiype mppmg
,f:¢’._ ' A ' PM—fvpe stepbing motors use a Motors
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I I-1 1).; I}. uitraprecision Machining :::;“:;‘:";|n"‘n‘:9g:“‘t‘:efm'ng:f rnese motors cambiriearotar
Eéé C '°°"“°'°9'°‘ For s eeaometer and W‘ a pe'"‘°"e”' m°g"e"
Ba..,,e,_.,,r,. am 9 ana a magnetic body tnat
9 F’ tacnnometer in automatne use ml, beam 5 mess
The precision of a bait bearing is aeterminea appiicattans 9
bv several tactors, iriciudirig the raceway 'b"°'f"f'°‘d‘9"f"V °°“"°“°°
rounaness or ine inner and outer rings, the V ee° ’°"C “"595
spnericitv bi tne baits ana the auaittv or tne
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% 6 _ ’© _, _ "\, ' f —“ - i Measuring components
Q93. :_> ‘Kb’ "iv: .,.._— Strain Gauges
@h4 O . r;§,3.',v strain gauges consist ot a very iine rnetai—
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, _ I " usea in aircrart components, sucn as wing traps. tne strain, or amount or aeiormation oi tne
M'"'°‘“'° and 5m°"'5'1°d engine ona wing mounts and notcnes rad—end device when weigrttarlorce isappiied
3°" 5°‘’'‘"95 bearings runction as ioints. these bearings are aiso
Each Dali bearings comprises an outer extensiveiv in heiicopfefs, trains and automobiles.
rlrigmrinerrlrigrbails,lefaIriels,Shieldscnd __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _
snap rings Essential to high—pie<:isian
motors and other rotarv components, """‘ Magnetic ciuicriesund Brakes
Dali bearings deiemine '°‘°'i°"°‘ O ‘ ' Magnetic ciurches use eiectric prbauceata iock or uniacktne engine aria ine
°°°“'°°V- M"‘ebe° "‘°“‘’'°°'“'e5 “'5 . 9 transmission input snatt, taciiitating or terminating tne tlow at power Magnetic
M” 5-59” We‘ °' 5°" °9°"”95 ‘ i .fi. brakes use electric magnets to acceierate. deceierate or stop rotation